Need luck


Week 5




I started thinking the idea of final project since the semester begins.  I want to make a self-expression project which contains my personally understanding about fashion film. I think fashion film is not only about fancy clothes or high fashion, if it is, then everyone who knows how to use camera and has enough budget  can make a fashion film which could looks high class. When I look at some fashion films, they have fancy setting, beautiful models and luxury clothes, and that’s all they have. I agree that these films are beautiful and high class, but I cannot remember them, because it doesn’t impress me. When I look at Nick Night’s films, they are not only about fashion, but also has something that attracts me and makes me wanna watch again and again. Therefore I want make a fashion film like that, so people would remember and think about it after seeing it.

Sylvia • April 2, 2017

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