Need luck




The special thing about my dress is the paint, so I want  to make the paint looks more lively and ensoul it. I came with these ideas : first I’m going shoot a girl wearing the dress and dancing, and I want the camera totally out of focus,so we could only see the color and silhouette. Also I ‘m going to do a shot of painting  on canvas and glass. And I’m going to layer these clips in one shot using overlay effect to achieve experimental look. I got my ideas and plans, and my group were happy to do my ideas, so we were ready to do it. One thing is we need a studio for shooting, but the tech guys said we cannot use the any photography studio in building 9, because these are only for art students. This was so unbelievable, media student should have a studio for shoot. Luckily, I have a friend  doing photograph, so she could access to the studio. She helps to book a place for us. The good thing about the studio is they have three big lights and an advanced tripod. I use my Sony A7Smark2 to shoot, it doesn’t fit that tripod, so we had to borrow another tripod from the tech. We never had use the lights before, so it took a long time to set up. When we finally set up everything, we found that there are many stripe in the shot, and we finally realized the lights are working for taking photos , it was not working for filming, but we didn’t have enough time to change because the studio was fully booked. Luckily the shot looks nice on the screen, the stripe did not bother at all, on the contrary it makes the shot look more experimental and moody. We did some rough cut together, and we were happy about the overlay effect.


We present the rough cut to Christina, Robin  on Thursday class , they gave lots of feedbacks. I was so glad they like the effects.  We took Christina’s advice to shoot more footage of the garment and did more experimental shot. When we went back to edit suite to edit, it did’t come out with good result, because we found it is hard to link these footage together. We present the rough cut to class on Friday, and we got lots of feedback from class. I didn’t know what to do after hearing so many different feedback, especially when Christina said she prefers the previous version. These feedbacks influenced my ideas and thinking. I hardly remember the original  intention of doing this idea, and I felt losing direction.

I think people all have different perspective and interests, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone. I love experimental film, my intention is  to create new possibilities and achieve the best result within my abilities. I would like to to keep my own attitude and idea. I would love to get feed back from people, it helps me to think and pushes me to get better.

We finally decide to edit separately, cause we didn’t come out with a version we all satisfy, and I think it is the way best way to do.

I hope I could find someone loves doing experimental film  as I do, to be honest it would be easier to work with.


Sylvia • March 26, 2017

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