Need luck


Week 3



It was great to see Robin again, he came to teach us how to use Sony EX-3, which I had spend a whole semester to learn in his studio last year. However, I hardly remembered how to set up the camera, sorry Robin 🙁   . The Sony EX-3 is good for handheld shooting, because the weigh helps keep stable, but it is like doing workout when I hold it for a long time. I won’t use it for my final project, however it is still good learning the camera.


We also had Nick Moore having edit workshop. I learned lot of editing skills such as how to use overlay to layer two clips in one. I love experimental film,  and Nick is skilled in making experimental film, so thank you so much Christina. Nick showed us lots of different experimental fashion film with varieties of genres. He said it is great to pick one of your favorite director and dig deeper into the films, and learn the skills and techniques they have used in the films. It was interested to hear he saying that the best way to learn editing is to watch a 17-year-old boy ‘s tutorial on Youtube, and  I do agree with him, because there are so many tech genius on Youtube. I find it is the best and easy way to learn editing on Youtube rather than on


Sylvia • March 20, 2017

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