Need luck


Week 2


We had a fashion film director Jessie Oldfield sharing her working experience and answering  some relevant  questions for us. I was so excited to hear her experience, because it is my dream job being a fashion film director. I love the ads : Life Through Wool by CountryRoad, it left me a deep impression, so I was so surprised when I knew that Jessie is the director of the ads.  She told us about the process of the ads and how she work with CountryRoad, the experience of being a great director from none to one. She said we should just go and start doing something, and get to know more people who have passion on  the same things , and we would find someone we could work with. We would probably all start with doing unpaid work at the beginning, as well as Jessie, but I believe it is great for me to make progress, and doing better job in the future.

Sylvia • March 13, 2017

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