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Week 1

A Fresh start

It was nice to meet some new friends and get to  know more people.  I was so excited about this studio, because I am passion for fashion film and fashion commercial. We had a brief introduction about everyone, it is great to have people from different background and filed, so then everyone could contribute their knowledge and share experience. Christina briefly went through the structure of the studio. It’s excited to have guest lecturer come to class and talk about their experience.  It ‘s great that Christina gives us lots of free space for developing creativities, so I can do more experimental things. We also visited the gallery in Building 100, it was one of the exhibitions for Virgin Australia Fashion Festival. I saw many interesting design such as the pink sponge seats, it was so soft and comfortable. The video that has model wearing vintage and fancy clothes caught my eyes, it was so experimental , and I like that kind of style using high contrast. It was also great having curator team sharing their concept, intensions and process about this exhibition.

Sylvia • March 6, 2017

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