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Filming and Editing – City Drama





The filming part was the most exhausted thing to do, Rachel as our cameraman was really trying her best to shoot, and we were using lots of tracking shots under requirement by Lulu, it was seriously a big challenge to Rachel. Basic, she was doing all the handheld tracking shots, so it was so difficult to  keep the camera stable, and she was doing that over and over again under requirement by Lulu. We spent a week on shooting, from 9am- 8pm every single day, we were all so exhausted and overload. And we all ran out of patience till the final shooting day , we had a big fight. I think we all should try our best, but you cannot ask people to do  a ‘masterpiece’ which was beyond their abilities, because we are not professional and we are still learning to do better work. I understand Lulu was passionate to make everything perfect, but her expectation was too high, it was beyond her abilities and our abilities.  From this experience, I understand it is difficult to be a director, although people follow your decision, you also need to think of your group members, consider their suggestions, because  it is worthy asking for advises, and you are not making a film alone,your group is  counting on you. As for editing, me and Lulu spent 4 days on it, from the rough cut to final cut, and from voiceover to atmosphere. The process was also a long story. And we are finally done! I am proud of our work, and I am happy with the result.

Finally, Thanks for Robin’s kindly guidance and help.

Sylvia • October 23, 2016

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