Need luck


Pre-production – City Drama



We went through all the ideas in Monday’s class, and first decided to combine Lulu’s idea with my idea together. However, her film was already about 8 minutes long, and that would be to long if combines with my idea , so finally we decided to only use her idea. Lulu is the director, and she also wrote the script. Rachel is the cameraman and costumer. I am the production manager , film editor and also actress. Lulu took 4 days writing script, and meanwhile she was looking for a male actor. Luckily, we found a male actor : Leister, he is 190cm height which could be a challenge to our cameraman. However, he is very kind and  patient, that really helps a lot.  Once Lulu finished the script, we showed the script to Robin, and  he had a very good suggestion that we could do voiceover in Mandarin. It helps a lot, because English is our second language, the meaning of the writing could be hard to translate from Chinese to English, so if we do voiceover in Mandarin and put English subtitle, it would be much easier to understand its meaning.  Robin is very kind and helps us to edit the final script, of course in English. After we finalized our script, we knew the how many scenes we had, so I came up with the brief schedule.  Lulu and I spend one day looking for proper locations for filming. We also asked Robin about the proper camera for filming. Since most of our scenes are outdoors, so the weather is the most important thing, we checked the future weathers and found out the proper days for filming. I checked the weather everyday and make changes on our plan  depending on the weather.  Next, we camp up with the storyboard,  listed props, and we are ready to shoot.

Sylvia • October 1, 2016

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