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Proposal-short film




Observation : One late afternoon, I was jogging along the Yarra River, I saw an old man sitting on the bench along. He is about 60 years old with gray hair and a pair of glasses, wearing a long khaki wind jacket and a long black knitted scarf, and having his black cane next to him. He was looking down and reading a book, it was more like a notebook. I could tell that the notebook was important to him. From my point of view, it looks quite sad, cause he was alone, plus the weather was a bit of cold.

Film : I came up with a story. The old man is reading letters which were written by his wife, his wife passed away a few years old, so these letters are their best memories. Back to 40 years ago, they were separated in two different cites due to some reason which I don’t know yet, they could only communicate with each other by writing letters. And they used to been here a lot when his wife was healthy, sitting on this bench and enjoy this beautiful view together.

Here is the brief storyboard that I came up with: It start with the park scene, the old man sits on the bench, reading letters, then went back to 40 years ago, the scene his wife is writing letters, with narration keep going, basically the film would switches between the past and present. Then there would be a scene they sitting on the bench together. The final ending would be the old watched vision forming of his wife, and then back to reality again.




Location: A park,  rooms for writing letters, Post Box..

Personnel: 2 Actors( read letters). 1 Director, 1 Cameraman, 1 Audio(record in post production) , 1 Editing.

Shooting duration : 2 days (Outdoors and Indoors)

Costume/makeup : vintage clothing, old man makeup, a wig

Prop: A bunch of handwritten letters, glasses, cane…


  1.    Research about 40 years ago: background/costumes/setting/daily life…
  2.    The stories in letters(Narration)
  3.    Editing techniques ( effects, color tones of the film)

Sylvia • September 8, 2016

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