Need luck


#Observation 13



When I was in the tram, there was a young girl sitting opposite me. She is about 20, has beautiful blonde hair, wears a floral dress with a khaki coat on. She was texting message on her cell-phone with her smile, and while she was waiting for message, she kept checking her phone. I could see changes of her facial expression, she was happy, little bit shy, and excited. I think she was messaging with her boyfriend. You know sometimes, people would smile without conscious when they feel real happy about something.   And it is very interesting watching the girl’s facial expression, she was immersed in her small world  like no one else’s around.



Can do many close-up shot, or even extreme close-up shot of the girl’s face, eyes ,and mouth. Wide shot to show the surroundings, and the girl’s position.

Sylvia • September 6, 2016

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