Need luck


Reflection #2



First Class Exercise

I  met the big ‘guy’ Sony EX-3 in class, it was my first time using this kinda professional gear, and I was so excited (feel like a pro). Robin introduced the basic function of the camera , and teach us how to use it in a professional way, for example how to set the tripod and camera, and how to use the buttons on the camera, the focal length, focus, exposure, depth of filed etc.   After we getting more familiar with the camera, we finally had a chance to use it to film in a group. We found a place near the traffic, set the camera step by step. We used filter 1 because it was very bright outside, the focus is 40, exposure is f5.6, and focal length is 12mm. In the 50s take, there were people walking across the street, and car running.  We didn’t adjust the camera when we did the second take, we only lower down the camera,  to make people and car looks in the same level. Finally , we got two 50s takes successfully.


Sylvia • July 29, 2016

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