Need luck


Obeservation #2



I was waiting for the traffic light with my boyfriend, when three big white  birds flying just overhead. I unconsciously crouched a bit.  At that moment, I was thinking : “oh no, don’t crap on me, don’t crap on me please.” And then I had a feeling of wet struck on my head. I shouted to my boyfriend :”  nooo… the silly bird has crap on my head, quick , take a look ,where is it ? ” I was feeling so disgusted at that moment. After a while, my boyfriend said : ” I don’t see any bird poo on your head.”  I said : ” check again, I do felt it. I really did.”  The truth is the bird didn’t crap on my head, however it craps o my boyfriend’s hoodies.  The bird poo was like some green thick liquid. I said :” eh.. it doesn’t look that bad. ” And it’s his turn feeling disgusted, he said :” shit …stop laughing,  can you just help me get rid off that shit please?”  I wiped it  with tissue, it looks clean. However, when we get home, my boyfriend washed his hoodies like three times.

Sylvia • July 24, 2016

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