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Week 8 – workshop



We listened an audio essay called ‘Sleep’ from Radiolab:

It discovered the sleep pattern of animals. The entire audio was in slow pace with soft and gentle music, which made me feel so sleepy. When the narrator was talking, there were too much background noise which was kinda annoying.

In an audio essay, the sound is the most important one of course, it could have music, narration, sound effects , interview, atoms,sync sound, conversation, SPX, Vox Pop, and  phone call etc.   Since we cannot see any picture, the sound will be the only thing we could know, so it requires us to use different elements of sound to building an environment. For example, if we are going to interview a teacher,  the background noise can be students’ talking, bell ringing etc, so audience could get better understanding.




Sylvia • May 14, 2016

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