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Week 7- Lecture

  In the lecture, Racheal Wilson mentioned about both negative and positive  collaboration.  I think collaboration is very important in group works, it could directly influenced the final work. I had lot of experience of  negative collaboration when I was in the previous course. I had a group with three girls and one guy, that…

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Week6- PB3-refelction

      The PB3 is quite stressful to me, it is no long a one-minute video, it needs 2-3 minutes long which means I need to take more footage; and it is a portrait about someone else which is a big challenge to me, although I have done lots of photo shoot for many…

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    What is the ‘controlling idea’ (Robert McKee) of your portrait?      How does a designer produce his works?  How is your portrait film structured?   The first part of film gives a introduction of my interviewee, and then it  raises a problem he met, at last , it shows how he deals with the problem….

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Week 6- Initial

    Do you understand the meanings of these gestures?    Photo taken from Photo taken from Photo taken from www. This gesture was original means OK. In Brazil and Germany, it means a obscene gesture. In Japan, it represents Money. In France, it means Zero.  

Week 6- reading

    Mason(2002) stated that notion happens unconsciously, you won’t feel or think anything at that moment,  only when you are reminded by someone or something, and then you will recall it. He suggested that doing intentional notion is necessary, it helps to get broaden and deepen access to  knowledge and world. He mentioned that…

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Week 6- lecture

    In this week ‘s lecture, Rachel Wilson talked about blog, she mentioned that we are not doing  enough blog. She introduced about the Reflective Practice which is the methodologies of discipline, it explicates the practical knowledge and helps development of the professional expertise. The DIEP is quite useful, I could just easily follow…

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Week 6-workshop refelction

We did an interesting  exercise in the class:  we were asked to turn around and faced to the wall, and to guess what did Louise wear today?   What I had in my mind was a grey knitwear with a grey scarf and grey jeans.  When I turned back, I found that I was right….

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Week5- Initial post

  I found these questions are great for me to ask in the interview, and  I always feel it is hard to ask some interesting questions to make some fun.   What was your favorite food when you were a child? What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? What is one of your…

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Week5-Sony MC50 Exercise

      We have done a little exercise with the Sony MC50 video camera to  make an interview with 2 interviewees and one interviewer about the topic” A survival guide to your first six week of university’. The machine is quite easy to use, it has the button that use to zoom in and…

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Week5- Class reflection

    In the class discussion, our tutor Louise had raised  up a question: if the art work is not in the art gallery, is it still an art? That is an interesting question. I think art is everywhere, it depends on our perspective, everyones has different point of view and understanding. I think the…

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