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Week 7- Lecture

collaboration image 2


In the lecture, Racheal Wilson mentioned about both negative and positive  collaboration.  I think collaboration is very important in group works, it could directly influenced the final work. I had lot of experience of  negative collaboration when I was in the previous course. I had a group with three girls and one guy, that guy liked to control everything, he was too cocky about his idea and insisted to use it as the main idea of the group.  We were all unpleasant with that, so we worked separately, and the final work looked awful. The  main reason that our group messed up was because we lacked good communication. Racheal pointed out that a positive collaboration needs good communication, clear objects, consistency, resect , support, responsibility, and equitable. And she also mentioned  the solution is to build a environment of trust, autonomy and clarity. Personally, I think the respect and support is the most important, because I would like to contribute more  when I feel its reliable. Everyone should do that when they are in groups .

Sylvia • April 27, 2016

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