Need luck





  1. What is the ‘controlling idea’ (Robert McKee) of your portrait? 

    How does a designer produce his works?

  1.  How is your portrait film structured?  

The first part of film gives a introduction of my interviewee, and then it  raises a problem he met, at last , it shows how he deals with the problem.

  1. What do you want your audience to make of your interviewee? (e.g. What are you saying through them and/or human nature, human folly, or noble human inspiration?)

His attitude as  a designer- creativity, passion, pursue.

  1. How is your portrait being narrated? 

The voiceover narration explained the process of a designer’s routine of his work as he is telling his story to audience.

  1. What role will the ‘found footage’ play in your portrait? 

The found footage gave reinforcement and explanation of my portrait, it fave audience better understanding visually, for example, many people know less about Dali, so when they see the found footage of Dali, they will know what kind of person he is. It is better than just introducing him in words.

  1. Does your portrait have a dramatic turning point?

Yes, it is when my interviewee has no idea  and inspiration about his work.

  1. When does this turning point  in your portrait and why? 

At middle . Because the first part of the portrait is quite peaceful, so I want to make a big contract comparing the it in order to get audience’s attention.

  1. How does your portrait gather and maintain momentum?

I use different kind of sound track to create contract, and I also minimize the clips to keep each part equally in order to avoid  overlong clips, and keep the video in the right rhythm.

  1. Where will your portrait’s dramatic tension come from?                                                               It comes from the crisis and emotional outburst when the interviewee runs out of ideas.

10. Does the portrait have a climax and/or resolution? Outline them.


1.Crazy drawing.

2. Stressed


  1. Play the piano
  2. Go out/have a walk

Sylvia • April 20, 2016

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