Need luck


Week 6- reading



Mason(2002) stated that notion happens unconsciously, you won’t feel or think anything at that moment,  only when you are reminded by someone or something, and then you will recall it. He suggested that doing intentional notion is necessary, it helps to get broaden and deepen access to  knowledge and world. He mentioned that we could improve our notion ability by doing exercises to ‘set yourself’ to do something.


unsure young woman scratching her head

Photo taken from

I was inspired by Mason,so I planed to do an exercise : I set a camera beside to record my every movement when I was reading an article. When I playbacked the video, I found that I scratched my hair for 4 times, I nodded  for 3 times, changes my positions  for twice in this about 8 minutes video. It was a very interesting experience, cause I never notice I will repeat those movement for many times. And  I notice that I will scratch my hair when I felt confused about the something in the reading, and when I found something useful in the reading I will nodded.  This exercise helps me to understand the meaning of  gestures, and I could know the meaning  when other people do the same gestures.

Sylvia • April 17, 2016

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