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Week5-Sony MC50 Exercise




We have done a little exercise with the Sony MC50 video camera to  make an interview with 2 interviewees and one interviewer about the topic” A survival guide to your first six week of university’. The machine is quite easy to use, it has the button that use to zoom in and out on the top of the machine, the another button nearby is used to adjust the focus, and basically you only need to adjust these two buttons during the shoot. We found a place near the RMIT theater, although it was not that quiet, at least there was less people walking through. Firstly we set the tripod stable, and adjust the frame and focus properly. Honestly, we forgot to adjust the white balance sort of stuff, because we were in a rash, and also I could adjust the lighting in Premiere, so we didn’t care too much about it. However, I think that I should remember to do it in the next shoot, because it is better to keep the whole video looks in the same lighting and color tones, and sometimes it will be too much works to adjust the tone of every single clips in the Premiere.

As for editing, I found that there are just too much background noise in the video, however I didn’t figure out how to cut the noise, so I just lower down the whole sound level of the interview. I think it is better to record the voice separately with a recorder. I also readjusted the frame of the interview in the Premiere to create  medium close up shots. I was confused about the gap between two clips, I didn’t know what should I put in between to make it looks nature, so I used the fade in and fade out, but it looked not very well. I guess I need to watch more interviews and get better ideas from them.




Sylvia • April 10, 2016

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