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Week5- Class reflection



In the class discussion, our tutor Louise had raised  up a question: if the art work is not in the art gallery, is it still an art? That is an interesting question. I think art is everywhere, it depends on our perspective, everyones has different point of view and understanding. I think the reason why the art work is in the art gallery is because the author invests it with his or her artistic understanding. Victor Burgin stated in the reading that the discourse of the art explains everything, it helps us to understand the art work from the artist ‘s point of view.

Louise  introduced the instruction of using Sony MC video camera, it was my first time using video camera, I finally feel that I was going to make video with kinda professional equipment, excited. We spent a while on figuring it out,  it is even much lighter than my camera, so it’s use-friendly to a newbie.

Sylvia • April 10, 2016

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