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Week 4 -Lecture,reading



In the lecture, I was so confused when I was watching the 4’33” from John Cage, I was expecting the artist starts to play the piano, however there was no real music at all, the whole performance was about he was timing using his timer 3 times.  It was also kind of interesting, because I was expecting he to playing the piano, so I was watching it quite patiently at first, but after second timing, I felt bored, because there was nothing but just background noise and the sound of his movement.  I think the entire change of my feeling to the artist’s performance is quite an interesting experience. In the lecture, the components of sound is quite hard to me to figure out, but they are very important parts about understanding sound, so I guess I need spent more time on this part.

This week’s reading is talking about the social distance and sound, it saying that when the social distance is close, people’s voice will be soft, when the distance is far, the voice will be louder and shaper. And also  the sound will change all the time  with the changing of the social distance. It listed 5 key points on the scale :1.Intimate distance. 2. Personal distance. 3. Informal distance. 4.Formal distance. 5. Public distance.

Sylvia • April 9, 2016

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