
Life has been the largest unanswered question in the history of mankind. Why were we put on earth? For what reason? In my opinion, everyone deserves the opportunity, and the responsibility to define their purpose in life. Everyone has their objectives, so to speak, to achieve their desired outcome from life.

Life is beautiful, only if you make it beautiful.

Recently, I find myself turning into what society perceives as being successful. Securing a stable job, maintaining successful human relationships, and other smaller daily rituals that society deems normal. I used to think that life is all about doing the things that make you, as an individual, happy. But lately I have come to realise that life is a lot bigger than just me.

It’s not just about making money, or being successful in your careers. We are a part of a larger system. The money we make, is the money we spend, which keeps the economy rolling. Life is much more than just making money and being rich and famous. I have come to think that it is about achieving a state of mind where you can actively think towards a progressive future, no matter how small of a difference you think you might make. Every small step, no matter how tiny, is still a step forward.

Contributing to society and changing the world to evolve into a better place is a very huge dream and it is a very long process. In the famous words of Michael Jackson, ‘I’m starting with the man in the mirror’. Although I might not be around to witness the outcome of what I deem to be my life’s dream, if I can pass on this vision or concept, everything would have been worth it.

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