I am slowly trying to make a plan for the 500 word statement that will be used for the final presentation of the Film 3 studio in week 14. Here is my introduction from my project proposal in week 7:
“For my final project, I am going to work on a scene that I developed from a moment that I found magical. I have a clear visual moment that I want to represent in my final project, based on my own memory, but I want to make this moment more than a recreation by creating a soundscape out of non-diagetic sounds.This project will be shot as a drama, using drama conventions of shooting, editing and sound.”
This was my original aim, and I have stayed true to this. I have stayed true to the nature of my ‘magic moment’, and I have altered it and took it from the realm of memory to heightened reality. I have shot it as a drama, and I will include my research of the drama conventions in my final statement of the project. I can reflect on:
- pre-production: the kind of paperwork and preparation that I did for the shoot. The process of casting and organising a crew.
- production: reflecting on directing drama, what I am proud of, and what I would have done differently. Did I stick to the planned shots and coverage?
- post-production: editing drama, getting second opinions, using royalty free sounds, colour grading
I can compare my storyboard shoot with James to the final coverage and edited version with the actresses.
I do not have many blogposts about research, apart from practical research and learning on the job. I think maybe doing an in depth reflection on soundscapes, perhaps the soundtrack of Eraserhead and how David Lynch uses soundscapes in his work to a surreal effect.
This is the criteria for the 500 word statement:
a contextualising statement of around 400 to 500 words which should include:
- A precise of your methodology of working as it is now – you could refer to your original proposal
- Or, a refined research question
- Or, a fresh summary of what formed the basis of your investigations