Keyboard shortcuts I didn’t know

title: cmd+T

Useful because I have been making titles this past semester and going the long way around by using the toolbar.

redo: shift+cmd+Z

I of course knew undo, but totally forgot about the redo shortcut.

past attributes: opt+cmd+V

Important for pasting attributes when colour grading.


Colour Grading

For this exercise I pasted the attributes of each grade and worked up on top of the previous changes.

1. original

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 4.30.08 pm

2. added yellow in the midtones and highlights to get counter the blue

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 4.30.17 pm

3. made the input levels higher, took down the tonal range definition

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 4.30.27 pm

4. highlight balance magnitude 100, boosted the saturation to 124

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 4.30.38 pm


My name is Mimo. I like to watch TV and films with my neighbour's cat.

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