Last week we shot two ‘expertise’ actions performed by two classmates with the intention of creating a sequence made of three different shots of the action. This week we begun editing these sequences in Adobe Premiere. This is my first time using Premiere, and one of my goals for this semester was to start using Premiere and become more confident in my editing.

Using Premiere has highlighted the importance of filing and organisation, which I didn’t really pay much attention to before. Getting a spiel from Paul about filing was really helpful, so I feel a lot more confident that I won’t lose any footage (like I have before) or hand in an earlier draft than I want to.

This is my edited sequence of Kiralee walking into the room, sitting down and working on her scooby. I had problems editing her entrance into the room because our group had tried to recreate the Taxi Driver entrance shot sequence that Paul showed us in class, with the intention of cutting between the shots when Kiralee passes in front of the camera, like in the soccer video that Paul showed us, but I couldn’t get the timing right, and I think the second shot started too wide, so it was hard to cut into. I’m learning how much time you can spend on one shot change that would make the scene look seamless, even though it is far from it.

This is my edited sequence of Corey doing a fall into pushups. This was much easier to edit and I am happy with the results. The fall is edited to take more time than it did in reality, which I wanted to try (because who doesn’t want to be a timelord?).



My name is Mimo. I like to watch TV and films with my neighbour's cat.

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