So this semester I am enrolled in Media 4, Film 3. The stakes are much higher now that I am in Media 4, compared to Media 1 last semester. I have looked at the studio guide and the learning outcomes for Media 4 and I should be doing everything at an advanced level. No pressure, haha.

media 4 – projects 1 2 3 4 5
Investigate, design and produce media at an advanced level * *
Work collaboratively at an advanced level * *
Provide reflective evaluations of your own and others creative process at an advanced level * * * * *

Although I have studied Media for a total of 2 years, I feel like there is a lot of technical learning I need to do before it ends. My main goal for this semester is to use Adobe Premiere for the first time (which is daunting, as all new endeavours are), and to get a hang of it. I am planning for my initiative posts to be about the online lessons I do in premiere, and some of the editing I will try out. I feel like it is expected that I have a working knowledge of premiere as a Media 4 student, but I know most of the pressure is coming from me.

Last semester I used iMovie for editing the documentary projects that I did, which was good for simple small things, and it pushed me to use the extra time to make colourful, abstract and thought-provoking content. In saying this, I did not spend a lot of time on pre and post production and focused on improvised documentary making. I hope to spend equal time in pre-production, production and post-production this semester so that I knead through all the kinks and insecurities I have in each stage.

In terms of the Film 3 studio guide, another goal of mine is to learn more about the methods and practices of documentary and drama, and to improve on my own practice by utilising these methods, especially in drama. I have always enjoyed working in the documentary form because I see myself as an observer and a listener, and I like to let stories tell themselves, and for me to just shape and trim and colour in. I am not confident writing scripts or directing actors, so that is something I want to focus on this semester in the media making projects, BUT I picked this studio so that I could work on drama methods within my own personal focus on documentary, so here’s hoping there’s room to wriggle.


My name is Mimo. I like to watch TV and films with my neighbour's cat.

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