In class today my group and I finished our collaborative contract for project 4. With a big piece of butcher’s paper and lots of coloured pens, we figured out what we want to do, how we want to do it and what we have to do to achieve it. These are our group goals:
Group Goals
- to discover a key message from our research into text/meaning/etc
- to produce various artefacts that reflect this central meaning, through differing mediums
- to create an interactive space in which people can make their own meaning of the various artefacts we produce
- to capture this interactive experience on film, and submit this as our final media artefact
Our idea for the artefact is to create an installation/interactive space in which people can experience our texts, which will be about what we have learnt from studying texts. This will be a big job but we are all dreamers and want to create something spectacular.
In class we also discussed what we are going to research for the annotated bibliography which is due next week. We split our research up into theory, which will focus on textual analysis, and practical, which will focus on installations as texts. My topics to research are remix culture, structuralism installation/public art. Lots to do this week!