Building a Story Universe

To answer my question about Jack’s character and the continuity of the story, if its possible or not. I believe it is.

There are many Trans-media projects that are open and there are many that are closed such as lets say The Star Wars saga. It is open ended. Fans and artists can build up on the story creating their own scenarios whereas the Harry Potter Franchise can not do because J.K. Rowling has ended the story telling us how the characters grow.

But in any given Trans-media story there can be endless possibilities of creating story. In Star Wars it is limitless and so is in Harry Potter but only the stories that can be said between the period when they grow up. So there is a certain limitations.


Coming to our story, Jack is a loyal ACP agent who has been working for the Agency for years. But as the events turn out his loyalty towards ACP is questioned. His motives are just being developed. He is with the Church of The Broken God as he prefers the way they would save the world. But soon he abandons them as well going on his own path. What happens next is a world full of possibilities.

Our project ends here, allowing viewers to build on the theory provided and to come up with any stories they would like to create.

As we go on…

This process of creating a story so that the viewers can build up came to my understanding as we developed in our project. At first we only had a basic story. After brain storming we decided to create a data base website on Mark’s idea.

But as we came at the end of our project, we deepened our understanding on how a Trans-media story works. We had a simple story, and now after creating this website, viewers can create endless new stories. Thus answering my question about the continuity of the story and Jack’s character.

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One possible Theory

This is completely my take on the story as I was trying to research and brain storm more ideas, I have created a small story as to what happens next. This is not a part of the project but I thought this blog post would be the best way to tell it. I had originally intended to create a script which we could had given with the main project but lack of time did not allow me to do so. I was busy working on the different artifacts and I also had other subjects to take care off. But here it is.



9b9d4bfc611e98a952159e7e64ce182fSo as Jack is on his way to re-create the Osiris, my story is set in the future when the Osiris is created and is in the final battle with the other Alien God that has attacked Earth. It is a furious battle between the two Gods which eventually leads to the destruction of planet Earth and only a few survivors left, Jack being one of them. The Alien God manages to beat Osiris and destroys the Earth in the process. The Alien God leaves Osiris to finally get destroyed in the ruins of Earth and Osiris dies creating a huge explosion.

11244988_731231146988106_1322318267_nAs Osiris dies, it somehow transfers its powers to the surviving few humans who are scattered across the Galaxy. The humans in this process become super-humans who can live without breathing oxygen and survive underwater as well. Different humans have developed different adaptability to survive from the powers of Osiris.

The story is again focused on Jack, who decides to gather the surviving humans and help destroy the Alien God that turned planet Earth into a debris.

_SpaceJockSoon, other Alien Gods are introduced from whom humans take help and refuge. It is a long way for humans to finally defeat the powerful Alien God. But in their quest to attain revenge, the surviving few humans learn more about Osiris and in turn deepen their understanding about themselves. This story ends here as Jack finally manages to gather (if not all) the surviving humans to help him in his crusade. We will soon be introduced to new Gods and new parts of the Universe. The humans with this super power, are still a tiny dent in this vast vast Universe. There is a long way to go ahead, to learn to adapt, to understand and to seek revenge and vendetta.

End note

War-of-the-worlds-tripodThis story can be further scattered across different movies, one that is entirely focused on Jack finding the Osiris and the fight between Osiris and the Alien God. The second can be (super) humans finally destroying the Alien God that annexed planet Earth.

There you go! I have managed to create a series of this small story! Ofcourse, making the movie is expensive and there is a lot of war to be done from developing a script and adding details making it more realistic. But I have the basic idea. That’s what I learnt from this course, expanding stories and developing different platforms to do so!!

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