Behind the Leather


“It’s just a prank bro.” Is a common term used by idiots who seek to gain credibility at the cost of other people’s daily life. We see millions of prank videos on Youtube and granted some of them are good natured. But most have started a dangerous trend that allow people to take things too far. It is even more disturbing to see that the pranks that “go wrong” gain even more views and in a way encourage more violence disrespect in public. Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 6.19.51 PM

An interesting phenomenon in ads has taken place and that is prank videos. For some reason we just enjoy seeing each other get scared and shocked. The people in the ad who find themselves in front of crocodile interior are undoubtably paid actors. But does it matter? People will believe what they want to and there isn’t enough time for deep contemplation when it comes to this sensationalist ads. And nowadays arguably there is no such thing as bad publicity. It brings up questions of ethics especially with trickery and privacy.


On the flip side an ad that does very well to get a good message out to the public using a similar “prank” technique” has emerged from this somewhat rude trend.

Silence of the lambs

I went to a suprise screening Silence of the Lambs (1991) and it was absolutely thrilling. Before the screening we had no idea what we were in for. They immerse us in the world of the film before revealing to us what it was through setting and acting of the common lounge area. Actors had been hired to walk around the area looking important and muttering hurriedly in American accents.


Watching Silence of the Lambs made me realise the power of creating a great memorable character. I never thought of myself to be a “slasher film” kind of person when my friends excitedly said, “don’t worry you’ll love it!” But this film was so different from what I originally thought. I loved how we watched Clarice grow as a person.

Anthony Hopkin’s screen presence was outstanding, everytime he spoke I would hold my breath and get shivers at his delivery.