Surviving uni

Working with a group was so much fun but now its time for the lonely post production. I found that organising the clips first was helpful. I did folders of locations and subjects. We had one long clip of Isobelle asking all the questions (which we shot last) , so I went through that and took out parts without laughing and errors. I used those clips for signposting the rest of the raw footage.

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Watching myself talk from an editing point of view was difficult as I rarely pause long enough to make a clean cut. I really didn’t want to have a whole clip of me rambling. My solution to this is to overlap some of the clips with Nicci so it would flow better and seem natural. It turns out we made some similar comments, so cutting our responses together was easier than I thought.

We shot our interviews in rmit connect to get a lively background. I think there could have been more light on the subject though.

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I’m a real fan of crane shots.

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So here is a test clip of the crosscutting-answer interview style.

highschool from vanessa wong on Vimeo.

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