The paper “Information sharing on social media sites: Computers in Human Behavior” conducted by Babajide Oyatuyi explores the issue of using and sharing information in social media as well as its credibility. The author also reveals how social network users share their information differently on diverse social media platforms.
This study includes an in depth exploratory analysis and evaluation choosing four categories of information across five popular social media sites. The analysed results are supported by data collected from an online survey instrument. The findings have potential to contribute to future development of the media industry in terms of shared information credibility.
However, the research findings may be biased because there are only 114 participants out of 200 random invitations in this research. Furthermore, the reliability of feedbacks using online survey method and the unbalanced genders among the participants can affect the results.
The study covers a wide range of aspects, so it helps me observe social media information sharing from different angles. This study will fit neatly into my research on news media because it also points out that private information seems to be the most attractive topic for information seekers.
Osatuyi, B. 2013, ‘Information sharing on social media sites. Computers in Human Behavior’, vol. 29, no.6, pp. 2622-2631