Lecture 6 – Collaboration

Today, Rachel Wilson provided us very useful tips of how to work effectively in a group. I just want add some more drawn from my  teamwork experience.

Bad experience
It was the first time I have a big project with my friends 6 or 7 years ago. Back there, I was not a organized person and I hadn’t done my part before coming to an important meeting. I felt very embarrassed, but I still attend the meeting. Fortunately, my team leader, a close friend who knows me pretty well, had already covered my part.
Lesson: It is brilliant to have a good leader who knows her/his members and always have a backup plan just in case something screwed up.

Good experience
Another big project during my last uni time. 4 out of 5 members in my group decided we would follow a topic that I find it boring. By doing extra researches, I managed to  persuade them to change to another interesting one. At the end of that subject, we got the highest marks among groups.
Lesson: Don’t be afraid to speak out your idea even if it is against the rest of the team’s and be ready to do extra works to prove your idea is worth trying.

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