Starting Theme: Isolation
Written Exercise:
Saw a man alone on a train reading a Basic English grammar book.
Starting Goal:
Shoot a scene of an actor/person on a train or in a public space reading a Basic English Grammar book.
See other peoples stories of isolation and feeling like they are alone
To see what in the scene caused an emotional reaction and me to take notice
See what shots can invoke greater emotional investment and what will not (including using multiple actors)
Research Assistants:
After watching other scenes of a similar scenario, including the Water Diviner there are multiple aspects of scenes that can cause feeling of being out of place or isolated.
Go out and interview people who have come from other countries and talk to them about their toughest moments of isolation and how they dealt with it.
Interview people who may have been to another country and what they have experienced.
Shoot a person on a train reading a basic English grammar book and see what effect is achieved.
What makes the person isolated? Is it the grammar book? Or is it the persons facial expression/emotion
Shot List:
PoV object-perspective shooting can work wonders for isolation (see earlier blog posts)
Shots of book and actor to see what part get the audience thinking
Foreseen Challenges:
Getting permission to film on train/tram or other public spaces.
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