The preparation for this final project has been going on for weeks now, with writing and research tasks. I began with a real world situation, where I saw a man on a train reading a basic English grammar book. Which for whatever reason, stood out to many and evoked an emotional response of wonder, admiration and respect for someone being in a situation like that, in a foreign country learning a language. Now I’d like to take that situation which I have written about and recreate it on film and see if I can capture what things evoked these emotional responses from me. While also giving myself the opportunity to possibly use different technical aspects of filmmaking. I first look to answer an initial research question that will I’m sure change as the project goes on. If I was to recreate the scene/situation I wrote and saw from Project Brief 3, can I find the moments, aspects and elements that stood out to me and evoked such an emotional response from me?

With anything I’ve this I have a certain level of expectations. However I look to keep an open mind as I prepare, film and edit. I expect the actor choice will have a key effect on how people respond to the project, both the ethnicity and acting ability. When the ‘character’ is someone who doesn’t speak English, the easiest choice is to have an actor of foreign ethnicity for believability, that will easily translate to screen. Another aspect I see is communicating the situation clearly, showing the ‘character’ doesn’t know the language, or is attempting to learn it. It could be on the train, out on the street or in a more important real world scenario (job interview, etc). While also the many technical aspects of filmmaking can manipulate, add and take away certain feelings the basic footage cannot have on its own. From the soundtrack to colour grading and the basic editing style. I foresee many challenges, things that can go wrong and things that could work very well, but until I start filming it’s tough to predict what that might be. There is much to look into in this project, and many places it could take me, which is why I’m looking forward to the first shoot.