I began this project with a situation I witnessed on a train, a man sitting alone reading a basic English Grammar book. From their I began writing scenes and scenarios, based on the emotions I experienced watching something that seems so simple, yet evoked so much emotion for me. When it came time to begin the project brief 4, I used what I had written and seen as a base for my experiments, keeping an open mind to where it could all take me. I started with a simple question, based off of the emotions I had felt and related to that situation. If I was to recreate the scene/ situation I wrote and saw from Project Brief 3, can I find the moments, aspects and elements that stood out to me and evoked such an emotional response from me? I experienced many setbacks and problems throughout filming, such as not actually logistically being able to film on a train, as well as technical mishaps. All throughout the pre-production, shooting and editing the question was almost thrown out, answered, re-answered and changed. It became less about the specific situation and more about what you can do with something simple and make it special with the many technical aspects of filmmaking. Testing and trying many different things, through camera work, editing, sound, lighting and much more. I realised that these simple scenes and scenarios can bring up many different emotions depending on the smallest to the largest of things done in editing and shooting. I rethought my question and stumbled almost upon a thesis that relates to the results of the experiment, and not necessarily the answer to the original question. Seemingly mundane situations in their most basic form, may or may not cause any emotional response. However emotions can be influenced and manipulated with the many technical aspects of filmmaking. Is this a new discovery, certainly not in the world or cinema, in some ways not even for me. However it is not about what the answer is, I feel it’s how I got there, through my own work, filming and experimentation.
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