Post 1 (Assignment #2)

‘Making Sense of Social Media’

Post 1) Research into an idea / platform.

(Drafted 31/03/2020)

For assignment two, I want to develop a foundation of research and evidence for further use in assignment three or four, later on in the semester. I have a clear idea about the concept I want to explore, that being, mental health on social media, and more specifically how people are coping in isolation, away from regular routines. However, I am still in planning stages on which platform I want to investigate. In assignment 1, I stated how I was fascinated by youtube and how I wanted to dive in and investigate more into that platform. My idea for a YouTube social strategy would be to make small 2-3 minute videos explaining a positive tip to stay healthy minded in isolation. I think of them as morning reminder videos, short and direct, without consuming too much of someones time, but yet encouraging them that these healthy tips are also short and easy to do. However, i’m also aware that this may not reach a direct target audience that I’m yet to choose, as youtube is harder to build a following/ response from, compared to other platforms. This is where I also have the idea to use instagram as my platform. If I chose instagram, I would move away from video content and more towards pictures, as I believe they work best on the platform (i’ll have to research this though). I would then be able to get a more direct response from the target audience of adolescence, which is the majority of my following. Instagram also has options of polls and direct messaging, which I could utilise to get responses from a variety of different people. In the next coming days, I plan on investigating both youtube and instagram more to establish a platform that will best suit my social strategy to be deployed.

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