expo blog
For my exhibition study, I wanted to create something that immediately drew the user in and made them engage with the study. I wanted to build on this engagement with certain emotions; I wanted to target the user being unaware and vulnerable to a surprise. The particular emotion I chose was to scare, or created fear for the user. I did this by creating multiple ‘ubuttons’ that acted as pop up windows of scary images that would appear on the screen if that area of the photo were clicked. Alongside these images, I linked certain ‘playlist’ audios that would play with them. This would create a visual surprise by the image on screen but also a physical surprise as an unexpected noise can make you jump. I finished it off with some simple instructions in the presentation mode that made the game seem harmless and look fun. The key element of this study was to twist the audience’s expectations , whilst using their vulnerability in my favour to create a bigger reaction. I used the inspector tool to change the colours of the text and the window to create a happy vibe, in the hope to catch them off guard with the scary images. To keep the surprise a secret I also used the inspector gadget to open the patch in presentation mode.
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