Epiphany Week 7


I must admit, I do love my Batman movies. They are always so entertaining to watch and the director’s always make the film exciting despite the audience knowing what the plot is. There are rumours of the delay in the explosion not being planned and that Heath Ledgers reaction was him being the brilliant actor he is. There are no official reports so I don’t know what is true or not, BUT, I wanted to talk about the planning and intense structure an action film requires.

I’ve never been that interested in making an action drama film but hearing about the rumours behind this film I started thinking about how much harder structuring explosions in films is. Doesn’t sound that hard in theory, but when there you need to ensure you have a demolition team or explosion team ensuring everything that is happening is monitored, and you need to ensure the communication between director, actors, support team etc. is vocal and smooth. You need to make sure camera and crew are in no danger from the explosion. With the cameras, you need to make sure they are protected from the heat of the explosion even if a minor ‘effect’ only explosion. You also need to make sure (because of costs) you get as many action shots as possible using the least amount of takes possible.

Anyways, this is the shortest list of things you need to be careful and mindful of when filming explosions. Some serious research needs to go into explosions as well as some serious dollars, and you need a big team to make sure everything is organised to the point.

I’d love to learn more about explosions and learn the process of shooting something for the big screen or television series.


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