My Method of Working Pt.9 (LOCATION)

Desired Landscape for potential scene:
I want to show three different spaces in this scene as two lovers cycle through Melbourne. It is almost the camera following the two actors from spot to spot on their date. I want there to be minimal if any dialogue and I want the audience to be lead through a visual uplifting and quirky experience.

1. Beginning at her house
2. Cafe
3. Field or outskirts of city, dusk or night

I want all these locations to focus on a specific colour. I have included images that have inspired me in regards to specific shots.

1. First Location (Home)
I really like the idea of showing the two just before their date. The girl would be in her home lying down and the boy will be mentally preparing himself for the date outside.

Kilburn Hanuk movie location2.1Set-Designs-of-Wes-Anderson’s-Movies-Swipe-Life-5

2. Second Location (Cafe)
I want this to be cute but also a little awkward, showing the awkwardness of a first date as well as the exciting hopefulness that it also entails.


3.Third Location (Field,outskirts of city,wharf)

I want to show the final shot of the two away from the city looking towards it. I feel this may be hard to do as finding a location that excellently captures this will be very hard. I feel this landscape idea would enhance the romance of the final shot. 

cityman_102014-10-31 St Kilda & Port Melbourne LJS_9355 copy-Lmoonrisekingdom

In between scenes of the two riding their bicycles to the different locations

The two images I have included show the two cyclists riding towards the camera and I really like the way that looks within the frame.




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