Integrated Media Self Assessment
What have I done well?
I have come to all classes, I have dedicated time outside of class to work on my blog in relation to class related material and my own personal work. I have contributed to most class discussions and give feedback to other groups and individuals works.
What have I learnt to do better?
I learnt to blog a lot more than I did in the past semester. And I started to blog about things I noticed outside of the classroom that related to the course work. I learnt about myself and through the korsakow in particular, I learnt about my style of work and have started to notice the pattern in decisions I unconsciously make. I learnt to listen to other ideas and compare them with my own.
What could I have done better?
I could have contributed to the lectures more, I could have read all the readings, not just the compulsory ones. I strayed from my contract in some of the weeks.
I award myself a….. Distinction