There were many points that I took from the lighting lecture as I know very little about lighting in film. The light from the sun is blue and the light from the Freznal lights are yellow. To ensure someones skin tone is the right colour you must correct it manually with the lights. When setting up exposure, the correct exposure for inside is around F4 and the correct exposure for outside is around F22.
Some other points about lighting that I took from the lecture was that of electricity and lighting. 240 Volts come out of any ordinary wall socket. Most household circuits are around 10 Amps. You can run 10 amps at 240 volts (2,400 watts) in total before blowing the circuit. You need to be very cautious you don’t blow the circuit when setting up your set for shooting and should work out how many watts you are using per circuit. Whenever you are shooting you should find the fuse box for the building and find out how many circuits are in the house. There will be two or three circuit breakers e.g. Lounge room 1 circuit, Kitchen 1 circuit. You can have 2,400 watts per circuit (Per part of the house) (Ensure you always have a torch on set) If you exeed this you must use a generator so you don’t blow the fuse.
To shoot someone inside with a window showing outside you want the subject inside to be around the same exposure as that of outside (F22). Put the blue sheet of plastic over the Freznel ARR light to correct the exposure range.
ARR (Freznal) light has 1000 watts. They have beam lens where you can change the width of beam as well as use barnyard doors to narrow light.
Never connect extension lead to coiled light cable. Make sure it is unwrapped.
10 Amp circuit breaker power board (red head). It will turn off faster than a power board or circuit breaker if there is any surge or something goes wrong and shuts down making the shoot safer. Kino Light is a soft light the you would tend to use if you want the light to wrap around someones face .