Question 1: In 200 words or less please outline your goals, desires – what you want to get out of this semester.
Upon first glance of this question, I immediately think, well I want good grades and to do well with what I write and make. However, I understand that is not exactly the kind of answer RMIT wants from me, so let’s think about this again. I want to remain creatively inspired throughout this semester and enjoy myself, putting effort into everything I do. I wish to work well in my groups and learn from others as we all have something to bring to the table. I wish to better my skills as a director and film maker. I wish to contribute to tutorials as often as possible and do all the work that is required of me for this semester. I intend to practice what I learn in screen writing and film production, learning from my mistakes.
Lastly, I want to find the part of the film that I enjoy and excel at the most, hopefully closing in on a particular role that I could pursue in the future.
Question 2: Consider Jasmine’s lecture on Screenwriting and briefly describe one point that you have taken from it. A point that excites you, something that was completely new to you, perplexes you or even one you take issue with.
One particular point that I took from Jasmine’s lecture on screen writing was that of the comparison of screen writing against other forms of writing and real life.Scripts that are written are intended for the ‘big screen’, and follow a different set of rules than a normal story. Screen writing needs to take into account visuals, sound, time, effects etc. Whereas stories intended to be read focus on descriptive nouns and adjectives. Films are about relevancy and a chain of reactions. Films are expensive and writer’s, director’s and editor’s are very conscious of what they include in films.
Question 3: Select from one of the readings from week 1 or 2 and briefly describe two points that you have taken from that reading. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you.
I chose the reading from Week 1-Reflective and experimental learning to discuss.
- The first point I took from the reading was that of ‘reflecting on work’. I used to think of reflecting on work as looking back on something that has already been done. The reading explains reflective learning in terms of thinking of work you intend to create and clarifying objectives and goals. I always considered reflecting on work as a ‘what went well, and what didn’t go well” process ,however, it is much more than that. One reflects on where they want to see themselves in three years, and one can reflect on what they want their final product to look like. One can also then look back and see the comparison of their first intentions to what actually happened.
- The second point I took from the reading was how ‘reflecting’ on work isn’t as straightforward as I though it to be. If one wants to stay on top of their goals they must reflect constantly to ensure they are following goals they set or changing them to make them better.