Readings Week 2

To try out my first post of this blog, i will divulge and discuss the readings of week 1 that is due in week 2?

The theories of action and organizational learning. This reading was quite interesting, it reminded me of studying psychology during high school. This reading explained the rational process of a “reflection”. I found that when we do reflection, Chris sums up our actions “is to reveal the theory-inuse and to explore the nature of the ‘fit’.” In essence it is true since we are trying to rationalise our design process to ourselves as well as to our tutors who are critiquing us on our ability to make these design choices. The what, where, why. The 3 basic questions we are presented as a child from prep to now still play a large role in every design choice we make. Our rationalisation is split into 3 categories according to Chris.

Governing Variables- From what i understand, this is the general outline of our reasoning. Was our process of decision making and elimination reasonable? Is it acceptable to a normal person? This variable shows whether or not we as a content creator have met the criteria in which we are bound and whether or not our artistic decisions were actually meaningful.

Action Strategies- The how of our reasoning. How did we attain our end goal? What steps did we take in order to achieve our end goal. This variable is straight forward and requires no explaining. Everyone uses this strategy to rationalise their product.

Consequences- The effect of the action strategy.  The end product of our strategy. If we employed this strategy, then this effect will be enacted as a response to our creative decision.

Chris’ reading pretty much explained language analysis of a year 12 class. The author employed this technique (Action Strategy) in order to illicit this emotion (Governing variable) in order to make the audience feel this emotion (Consequences)

I don’t really know how to end a blog post, let this be prototype blog post 1 🙂
The End