In this weeks reading, it brought up the notion of using lists as a way of expressing or creating meaning in a doco. After using korsakow this idea of using spacial elements in order to create different forms of connections between whether it be clips or texts is quite intriguing. The ui or the interface which we create will play a large role in how the audience will be able to interpret or how well we can get our ideas across. AFter meeting with Adrian to discuss my sketch film, it is quite easy to say that my work was a complete dud. I didnt spend enough time on it, but i did meet all the requirements in the criteria sheet which was the main focus of the xercise. With the upcoming group k film, i feel like these readings and lectures will help me provide helpful insight for my groups needsa as i do not want to be dead weight and want to provide meaningful insight and work. The argument of whethere a story or narrative can be formed from a list has been argued and question both in the tutorial and lectures. I feel that it all depends on the lists and how you view the list. Even a list of ingredients for a recipe can tell a story, in that it tells you the chronological order of where and when the ingredients will be placed within it. I dont know everytime this idea of a list or narrative comes up in the course i feel like no matter what you can apply a story or narrative to everything you see and do as every minor detail will aid our brain in forming those bridges and connections we require to create meaning.