Seeing as this is week 11 i feel like i should give my overview of this course. integrated media has been an interesting subject. Even though i didnt really know much about the readings and topics, i felt like i always had an opinion i could voice on this blog. And if a subjet could do that i feel like that it was a good subject. Adrian has been a good tutor and has changed my opinion of him since last semester. Lot of stuff on creating meaning through association and connections. I kinda see what Adrian meant by this subject gives you the tools you need to apply yourself in any field of media. In a sense this subject was a how to think subject.
The assignments have been very manageable. A weekly checklist, film, essay and now the major k film. I feel like the timing of these assignments were timed nicely and wasnt a heavy work load. THe tutorials i felt were the most enjoyable part of the course due to the amount of interaction between student and teacher allowed an engaging class in expanding on the topics and issues we had. It also provided an adequate amount of time for us to complete assignments.