list continued?

The shields reading is quite interesting in that it is a chrnonological and logical book, but it is presented in a manner that resembles the bible almost. They have no real connection, but i found that by writing it that way shields opens us up to different ways of thinking. I feel like the gaps act as commas and help us take in what we just have read and expand on the idea presented. There is nothign really wierd or strange about the writing itself, all the pieces put together make sense. Many people got confused between collage and montage from the other responses i read regarding this and felt that this is definitely not a montage. A montage is used to transcend or evade time. A collage is a collection of differing things put together to display meaning which is exactly what this piece of text is. All of the splits make sense on their own, but together they are more?
how is this related to K-film, well i guess our films are really just collages. They are a bunch of clips held together by the glue of logic and reasoning. K films in general to me anyway make no sense. They are entertaining though, no doubt. They all look nice as well, the clips can be beautiful, masteruflly designed ui and what not, but i still dont see the point. Is the point to discover the meaning of the author or is it to put your own meaning. Its almost a game, yet its a film. I wouldn’t call it a film, but a game. K film is a puzzle you work through the clips to find the meaing and that is what i think Adrian does. During his analysis of our films he searches for paths on why these things happen, but maybe by doing so he is creating a story? or narrative?

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