Please outline some points that you took away from the Lighting Lecture. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you, perplexes you or even one you take issue with.
I found that the hard and soft light was interesting in that we see it all the time but we never learn how to replicate it.
i did no expect the amount of preparation needed for lighting in that we need to test the location and lighting in the actual place in order to compensate for lack or too much light.
Im just really excited to learn the equipment, i feel like technical skills are just as important as theorectical maybe even more and that getting hands on experiece will benefit me greatly.
I did not feel there was a lot of important info but rather general notes that wwe should think of. I found the tutorial about lightning much more useful in that it provided alot of technical skills and showed real example with students sitting in to be lit. being upclose wiht the shots and angles made the whole experience alot more coherent and allowed me to apply myself fully to the understandning of lighting.
List the things that you learnt from this experience – this could be things that went well or not so well.
I learnt that time management in key in having a nice shoot. Being rushed and delayed just makes the shoot more strenuous for the actors as well as the cast.
I feel acccounting for the weather was the biggest flaw with our group in that we didnt compensate by going indoors and adjusting. However our lenny turned out great accoridn to paul and that seems to be all good
THe first ad was suprisingly useful in keeping the shoot and shots clean and crisp. The oral cues really help in establishing a professional environment for operating and it made the cast feel comfortable working with us as well.
What i felt we did really well was editting. It seems our group had a shared vision in how the lenny should be seen and combined with the technical skills and creative skills of all the members we operated in a cohesive and efficient manner allowing us to edit this clip in no time. I feel that editting is my strong point and i happily enjoy this task.
what we could improve on is propably audio checkin and shot listing. we managed to scathe through this time but maybe next time being a bitn more organised and familiar with the equipment mainly me on sound will allow the shoot to be even more efficient.