Get this man a mic, he seriously provides some of the most entertaining educational commentary I have ever listened to. I would pay to listen to this man do stand up comedy, the amount of laughs in the video is phenomenal for a talk. He has the feel of Michael Caine if he was an educator.
Is school killing creativity? Yes it is, what Sir Robinson says is completely true. The world focuses primarily on the subjects which will most likely be applicable to finding a job. The mathematics, the sciences, the languages etc… Are these jobs the highest paying in the world? Probably not, but it will provide a decent income. Are they easy to find? Yes. Well when these subjects lead to fields of studies such as science and commerce, there is no wonder that jobs are easier to find. How broad is the term commerce? I recall a conversation with my cousin in year 8, I asked him what he wanted to do? He said “Probably commerce” and I asked him for what job and he promptly replied “I don’t know whatever it leads me to”. Globally, students are being funneled into this mindset that doing art or pursuing anything besides a mathematic or science base career is in the words of my parent’s “Shit”.
“Intelligence is diverse”
This quote is the definitive answer to Ken’s rants. There are differing versions of intelligence, you may be great at maths, the best doctor in the world, but can you play this video game competitively as well as this 16 year old? You, might say yeah I could if I dedicated my time to that goal. Perhaps, most likely than not though you won’t. If you’re great at maths and science, sure by all means pursue that path. Art is the main underdog subject when it comes to determining “intelligence”. VCE scales down Art subjects by 4-6, why? Is it not difficult to also draw a masterful picture or perform a beautiful musical piece? Is it not 1 in a million to become a famous actor? This notion that these subjects somehow are ranked on an intelligence scale is simply flawed.
“She thinks by moving”