Reading Week #10 – Database Race Face

Database Form – Is a form of information that has no real start, middle or end, rather it contains a range of substance that share the same level of importance as each other.

There is an exception to this idea of media being like a database, computer games, which is related more closely to me! It makes the point that video games are experienced as narratives by the players, there are certain motifs and tasks that help you get to the ‘end’ of the game. While this does not follow the database form of a CD-ROM or website, it still depends on the execution of an algorithm in order to beat the game. GTA V is a new game which arguably contains both the conventional database similar to that of the website and also the algorithm based motifs. You are able to simultaneously switch between a certain goal and the general outer environment. One that has no real extra substance, allowing the player to do as they please.

I also found the comment regarding database and narrative quite interesting stating that they are both natural enemies, both fighting for the same piece of land. “In computer programming, data structures and algorithms need each other; they are equally important for a program to work”

Reading Week #9 – Hotter Potter

There is a very prominent link between Technology and Culture in todays society. They pretty much co-exist, one does not exist without the other one making itself present. I read a story about a family in Canada I think that is attempting to live in the 60’s era having the technology only available to them that was around at the time. I can’t wait till one of them to make an insty post about the funny food they have to eat and get caught out!

I wrote a post a while ago about the dependencies that places like Bali have on technology, which was definitely something that I did not associate with Bali previously. I can’t see technology, (the contemporary meaning of it), ever diminishing which is not good or bad just a neutral thing for the time being. It is quite exciting, but also a bit scary!

Groooovy Batman

Game Of Bad Breaking Thrones

In cinema this week we read about the ‘new hollywood’ and how the audience became infatuated with the new, exciting things that the directors of the time were doing. I believe there has been a slight change in the way TV shows are viewed and created. They are becoming extravagant pieces of work that are practically short movies but better, because there are more of them. The two obvious shows that have become world wide masterpieces are Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, with a ample number of other shows that don’t quite get the same following but are of equal value including Sherlock, House of Cards and Homeland.

The emmys showcased the actors and makers behind the shows and I even heard someone mention ‘welcome to the next generation of TV’. This gets me incredibly excited, I would love to be able to work with one of the companies that make these television shows, I wouldn’t even mind if I was a bus boy for the assistant to the regional director!!!

This upcoming week is going to be crazy, Breaking Bad finished, Homeland starts, and the next season of Game of Thrones is meant to be massive, according to someone who has read the book*.

Anyway thats a chicken wrap!

Bonanza Week #9

Week 9 Bo – Bo – Bonanza


Dragon – Still In Love With You

Dragon was an Australian / New Zealand Rock band from the 70’s lead by Marc Hunter. Their main song from the opening scene of Puberty Blues ‘Are You Old Enough’ is probably there most well known and I heard this other song on the Radio in Dad’s car once and was instantly mesmerised by it. The video is very cool and 70’s also and is quite enjoyable to watch.


Your Father’s Murderer a Letter to Zachary (2008)

This documentary was insane. Almost too insane. I won’t ruin it for anybody but it was so well filmed and it grabbed your emotional state and threw it around the room. The story was about a man named Andrew Bagby’s death and the devastating events that follow. Definitely worth a watch!


This is a gif i made from a bunch of photos of my friend Tim at Sorrento. When I first saw gifs I thought they would be ridiculously hard to make but after a few youtube tutorials I found that they were quite easy once you found the right settings etc. I added the circle and red mist later.

General Post

I have completed GTA 5, the main storyline anyway. That has been my last week, if you had read my last BONANZA. I haven’t done too much else really, I decided that I need to get off my bum and involve myself more in the uni atmosphere and meet some friends, and also be more active and get outside more, especially now that it is coming into summer!

Bonanza Week #8



Koda – Blockbuster Youth (OMN) Remix

OMN is a 19 year old producer from Brixton in England who i have recently become acquaintances with. He has a really cool style and this is one of my favourites of his that I haven’t stopped listening to all week.


Midnight In Paris (2011)

I really liked this movie! The setting for one was awesome, the characters were constantly visiting key landmarks in Paris and Woody Allen captured the lovey dovey element of it really well. I love Owen Wilson as well and I think he fit the character perfectly! The old scholars and artists were also portrayed very well and fit the what idea i had of them really well.


This photo was an edit I was doing under the cloud theme / style, I just kept adding layers and layers and ended up with this. It is one of my faves and I think clouds are really cool because they are always different and there are different types of clouds. The clouds that were in this original picture are my favourite, they are the really dense looking ones that look like you would be able to walk on them.

General Post

This has been the week  of GTA 5 and Breaking Bad. The idea the Breaking Bad is coming to an end is heart wrenching but I am also really excited to see how it all becomes resolved. I’ve been reading up on signs and symbols of the episode that was on this week and there are so many smart little things that may contribute to the ending of the series, but i’m not getting my hopes up because it’s Breaking Bad. GTA 5 on the other hand is just starting, and has been great so far, like another life that I can live in when I get home from my real one. It sounds a bit weird when i write it out like that but i enjoy it!