You Make Me Feel Like Dancing…
This weeks unlecture was quite interesting, it definitely left me questioning how I want to take my course here at RMIT over the next couple of years. The point I took from Adrian most was the way of thinking about university as a two way transaction where the university supplies the knowledge and intellect required for the area I want to pursue, however it is what i make of it that is most important.
This year was quite a change from High School and all the first hand service that the teachers provided for you whether it was reminding you about homework or helping you with an assignment. That has sort of changed coming into uni which isn’t all a bad thing as it puts you into a working environment that forces you to be independent and of course use your survival techniques (aka. Going to Don Dons to feast on some Chicken Curry). In all honesty I think I need to embrace the blog and all that it offers as it is a way of the future so learning about it now obviously isn’t the worst thing that could happen.