Getting It Done
As week 3 came around, things started to step up in intensity so we needed to bring our A game, fortunately our whole group was willing chip in and take on various roles so that we could get the ball rolling. The 3rd week class was good but bad because there were alot of people not there so it was hard to make executive decisions but we did get some good ideas for the seminar itself (Layout, props, initiatives etc.) which moved us all onto a nice wavelength with each other. I decided to try and get a guest who I thought would be good from the perspective of a ‘self-made’ social media user in Sarah Stone. I knew her through friends at school and was aware that she had quite a prominent online profile for her music. I bought this up with the group and they said go for her. I messaged her through Facebook and she was more than willing to help out which was great! I liaised with her up until the day sending her general question outlines and if there was anything she would be uncomfortable with.
The poster was another aspect of the seminar that I took on as a role within the group. I wanted to great something simple and bright that would capture the attention of people walking by. I went for a minimal colour palette and put in some funky pictures of an old man sitting behind a oldish looking computer. There wasn’t too much meaning behind the picture except for the aesthetic which Torika and I kept when doing other pieces. I did have some trouble with the posters because i forgot what Shelley had said about putting the official RMIT logo on the poster but I was quick to amend this problem before any of the posters were put up.
I printed off a whole bunch of these and put them up around building 9, 12 and 80 prior to the seminar.