One thing that I didn’t mention looking back at my first ‘My method of working’ section was what I want to achieve by the end of this course. I firstly am thrilled with the idea of putting all our mind and effort into the concept of the scene. They are the short little pieces of a film that makes a film, a film. Instead of having to put time into a whole film with various locations and actors crew etc. We can get together something really special. I really want to make something that I am really, really proud of. I said that at the start of my documentary but i felt that I only really was satisfied with half of it which is why it makes this so much better.

On another note I read up some more on Terrance Malick as an auteur. I find his films probably the most interesting in many aspects. When I first saw the Tree of Life I found it really hard to watch, but I loved it a lot mainly because of the cinematography and the aesthetic that was hitting me in the face. I have also found through the cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki’s notes that they would have only 40 minute time periods to film to achieve the nostalgic sunny scenes which was awesome! This is one of my favourite shots from the film which also includes a floating person <3 I will spend more time on Terrance Malick in future posts.


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